Why Dexalytics?

Dexalytics is focused on redefining body composition in health and human performance. Based on over 30 years of working with DXA and sport, we move beyond numbers to provide better information about each athlete, allowing trainers, coaches, and medical staff to make better decisions and develop better athletes.

Dexalytics Solution - Dexscores

Better Information

Our system takes body composition beyond the traditional total metrics by:

  • Providing sport and position-specific information that addresses both the type and distribution of mass
  • Normalizing bone density to compare within similar athlete body types rather than traditional normative values
  • Displaying an athlete’s information alongside others at the same position or compared to others on the roster chosen by you
Dexalytics Solution - Powerful Tool

Dexalytics provides comprehensive body composition information to help you make better decisions.

  • Goal Weight

    Estimate fat/lean mass changes when seeking to add or drop weight

  • Body Mass

    Identify accurate baseline body types for return-to-play following injury

  • Trends

    Understand how your athletes’ bodies change over the course of a season

  • Body Ratio

    Evaluate the effectiveness of nutrition and training strategies

Better Decisions

Design icon

Evaluating post-injury to pre-injury scans provides insights to lean mass recovery during rehabilitation. Evaluating scans during return-to-play scenarios

Images displaying the comparison feature in Dexalytics App

Normalizing bone density to compare within similar athlete body types rather than traditional normative values


Understand how your athletes’ bodies change over the course of a season.

Dashboard Widgets

Dashboards that can be customized to provide only the views you want in the order you want them

Better Athletes

Dexalytics provides clear, accurate, and reliable answers to:

  • How have the bodies of our athletes changed?
  • How much change is needed to muscle and fat mass to switch positions for this athlete?
  • Is there an ideal body type for different positions?

Dexalytics improves the team by:

Identifying the effectiveness of training and nutrition strategies to optimize body composition during different portions of the training plan

Ensuring changes in body composition are functional changes that improve performance in their sport

Identifying the ideal body types for your team and the steps needed to optimize your athletes

Collectively, our researchers have over 30 years of experience working with DXA technology and how that technology can be applied to elite athletic performance. We are constantly conducting research to further understand how Dexalytics can help athletes attain success. See how Dexalytics can help you build a better athlete. Let us show how Dexalytics can impact your athletes' performance.

Request a demo today